Recording audio [Ep 23]

Audio is a crucial element of your film. Sound contributes to a realistic perception and amplifies cinematic reality. It emphasises what‘s on the screen and is used to indicate mood. Try to get close to the source of the sound you want to record. And check your sound levels. Deafening sounds can be distorted, and quiet sounds can have hiss. An easy rule to remember is that your audio level should never peak higher than 0 dB. As wind can cause noise in your recordings, use a windshield if possible.

You can use your camera’s (or phone’s) internal microphone to record sound during the shoot. But to have a higher sound quality, we recommend using an external microphone that you attach to your camera. You can use a Lavalier microphone you clip on your protagonist or a shotgun microphone for documentaries. This directional microphone must be pointed directly at its target sound source for proper recording.



Composition [Ep 22]


Conducting remarkable interviews [Ep 24]